Your Child’s First Dental Visit

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Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

When should I bring my child in for their first dental visit?

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

The #1 Question that parents ask is, “When should I bring my child in for their first appointment?”  Ideally, your child should come to the dentist as soon as they get their first teeth, or by their first birthday.  We also encourage parents to bring their child in during their own appointments.  During the parent’s appointment, the child can sit on their parent’s lap.  This gives children the opportunity to get used to sitting through an appointment and gets them accustomed to all of these new things little by little.  For example, it gets them used to new sounds and our team. Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

At your child’s first appointment, we count their teeth and see how their teeth are growing.  Our dentists and hygienists will also share advice on proper nutrition, as well as how to best care for your child’s smile.  These early visits are all about building up confidence in your child, and allowing them to get used to dental appointments.  Some children begin by sitting in the dental chair, but for others, it takes some getting used to.  We never force them into doing something that they are not ready for.  We want great first visits, so that being comfortable at the dentist becomes a lifetime habit.

If your child is over 1 year old and you have not yet brought them into the dentist, don’t worry!  Instead, get an appointment booked soon.  The worst that can happen is when a child has a preventable dental problem and they haven’t been seen by a dentist before.  We know that when there’s an underlying issue, it causes stress for the parent and the child.  Dental disease is totally preventable if your child is seen early enough.

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

Our doctors and team are here for you and your family.  You can request an appointment by clicking here or calling 614-655-3514.  Maximize your child’s time with the doctor by submitting their forms online here.

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

t Visit to the Dentist

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