
The Process of Getting a Nightguard at Fixari Family Dental

If you’re considering getting a nightguard, Fixari Family Dental offers a seamless process to ensure you receive the best possible fit and protection. Here’s an overview of the process:

The process begins with an initial consultation and dental examination in one of our Columbus, Ohio offices. During this appointment, your dentist will assess your dental health and discuss your symptoms and concerns related to grinding or clenching. They will also evaluate your overall oral health condition to ensure that a nightguard is the appropriate solution for you. This consultation provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have and for your dentist to gather the necessary information to create a custom nightguard that meets your specific needs.

Once the initial consultation is complete, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. The mold that this impression creates serves as the blueprint for creating your custom nightguard, ensuring a precise fit that provides optimal protection and comfort.

Once your custom nightguard is ready, you will come in for a fitting appointment to make sure your custom nightguard fits properly and comfortably. We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a perfect fit that feels natural in your mouth. Your dentist will also provide instructions on how to properly wear and care for your nightguard to ensure its longevity and effectiveness.

Types of Nightguards Offered by Fixari Family Dental

Fixari Family Dental offers a range of nightguards to suit different needs and levels of grinding or clenching. Each type of nightguard is designed to provide the necessary protection and comfort for specific situations.

Soft nightguards are ideal for individuals with light grinding or clenching habits. These nightguards are made from a softer material that provides a comfortable fit while offering the necessary protection against dental damage. The softness of the nightguard also helps alleviate any soreness in the jaw that may be caused by grinding or clenching. If you only experience occasional or mild grinding, a soft nightguard may be the perfect option for you.

For individuals with moderate grinding or clenching habits, we recommend dual laminate nightguards. These nightguards have a dual-layer construction, with a soft inner layer for comfort and a hard outer layer for durability. The combination of softness and hardness provides effective protection against dental damage caused by moderate grinding. Dual laminate nightguards are also beneficial for those who experience tension headaches as a result of grinding or clenching.

For individuals with severe grinding or clenching habits, hard nightguards are the best option. These nightguards are made from a rigid material that offers maximum protection against dental damage caused by severe grinding. Hard nightguards are specifically designed to withstand the high forces generated during intense grinding or clenching. They provide a solid barrier between the teeth, reducing the impact on the dental structures and alleviating the symptoms associated with TMJ disorders and bruxism. Hard nightguards can also double as a retainer for those who have undergone orthodontic treatment, helping to maintain the alignment of their teeth.

The Benefits of Custom Dental Nightguards

Custom dental nightguards offer numerous benefits compared to over-the-counter options. The key advantage is the custom fit they provide, ensuring the best possible protection and comfort.

When you choose a custom nightguard, we will take impressions of your teeth and create a mold that perfectly matches the contours of your mouth. This ensures the nightguard fits snugly and securely, offering optimal protection against grinding and clenching. The custom fit also ensures maximum comfort, allowing you to sleep peacefully throughout the night and wake up feeling refreshed from a good night’s sleep.

Unlike generic nightguards, custom dental nightguards are made specifically for you. This means they are designed to address your individual needs and dental health concerns. Whether you have a specific tooth alignment or bite issue, or if you have dental work such as braces or crowns, a custom nightguard can provide the best fit and protection for your unique situation.

Another benefit of custom dental nightguards is that they are made in our office at Fixari Family Dental. This ensures the highest quality materials and craftsmanship, approved by the FDA. We will work closely with you to ensure that the nightguard meets your specific requirements and provides the level of protection you need. By choosing a custom dental nightguard, you are investing in your dental health and ensuring the best possible fit, comfort, and effectiveness.

Understanding Nightguards and Their Importance

Nightguards, also referred to as dental guards, mouth guards, or bite guards, are oral appliances you wear at night to protect your teeth and jaw. They are particularly important if you suffer from TMJ disorders and bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching), which are common dental health problems.

Dental nightguards are specially designed appliances that protect your teeth and jaw from the harmful effects of teeth grinding and clenching. They are typically made of soft plastic or hard acrylic materials and are custom-made to fit over the upper or lower teeth.

Unlike over-the-counter mouth guards, dental nightguards are made specifically for you by your dentist at Fixari Family Dental. This ensures the best fit and maximum comfort. We will take impressions of your teeth and create a custom nightguard that fits perfectly and provides the necessary protection.

Nightguards play a vital role in maintaining preventative dental health. By wearing a nightguard, you can protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching. This helps prevent cavities, tooth fractures, and gum problems that can arise from these habits.

One of the important aspects of nightguards is their ability to protect the lower teeth. The lower teeth are generally more susceptible to damage from grinding and clenching. Nightguards act as a barrier, absorbing the forces generated during these habits and reducing the risk of damage to the front teeth and gums. By wearing a nightguard, you are taking proactive steps to protect your dental health and prevent potential dental problems in the future.

Long-Term Dental Health Advantages

Investing in a custom dental nightguard offers long-term benefits for your dental health. By wearing a nightguard regularly, you can prevent dental problems that may arise from grinding and clenching, such as tooth fractures, gum damage, and jaw pain.

Nightguards act as a protective barrier, absorbing the forces generated by grinding and clenching, and reducing their impact on your teeth and jaw. This helps prevent dental damage and minimizes the risk of developing long-term dental health issues.

Additionally, wearing a nightguard can alleviate symptoms associated with TMJ disorders and bruxism, such as jaw pain and headaches. By providing a cushioning effect, the nightguard reduces the pressure on the jaw joint and muscles, offering relief and promoting overall dental health.

Another advantage of custom dental nightguards is their ease of use. Once you have a custom nightguard that fits perfectly, it becomes a seamless part of your nightly routine. Simply insert the nightguard before going to bed, and experience the benefits of protecting your dental health throughout the night. With regular use, a custom nightguard becomes second nature, and you can reap the long-term advantages it offers for your dental health.

Schedule a Consultation for a Nightguard Today

Nightguards play a crucial role in dental health, offering personalized comfort and protection against teeth grinding. At Fixari Family Dental, we provide tailored solutions for every need, from light grinding to severe clenching. Our process ensures a perfect fit for optimal effectiveness. Remember to care for your nightguard with proper cleaning and storage. If you experience symptoms of teeth grinding or clenching, it might be time for a consultation. Prioritize your dental health with our range of custom nightguards designed for your well-being and peace of mind. Your smile deserves the best care!

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