As dentists, assistants and hygienists at Fixari Family Dental, we wash our hand so many times during the day that we can’t even keep track of it. We do not take for granted the benefits to our patients, our families at home and our team.
As experts, many ask us which is most effective, soap or alcohol based hand sanitizers. Sanitizers are quite convenient and a quick way to reduce the number of microbes on the skin. Microbes can be good or bad organisms. Germs, on the other hand, are microbes that can cause diseases.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control), handwashing with soap and water is the best way to reduce microbes on the skin. Alcohol based hand sanitizers are to be used when soap and water is unavailable. These sanitizers must be at least 60% alcohol.
Helpful Handwashing Tips:
- Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds (time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” song twice)
- Rinse well and dry
- Keep nails trimmed and clean – germs hide under there!
- Keep cracked skin moisturized, especially if you use alcohol based rubs.